Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Beat ID Thieves

 A rapid increase in the use of computers and the internet has given rise to new forms of crimes like phishing identity theft. Thus the information technology act of2000 is being tightened and the identity theft being made an offence, punishable with up to 5 years in jail and fine.

No wonder we live in the age where everything from tax records and share demat accounts to credit card data reside in data basis that can be hacked, phished or pharmed by anyone with sinister motives and enough knowledge.ID theft takes place when somebody steals personal information such as credit card or bank account number and impersonate you to rob you financially.

Beat the thieves

  • Install security software on your PC and using only licensed software, stay current with the latest patches.
  • Always be suspicious of unsolicited mail.
  • Monitor the volume and origin of pop-up ads. A change may signal something sinister.
  • Visit the website lookstoogood, tobetrue.gov for tips.
  • Use debit card requiring PIN and signature.
  • Keep an eye out for skimmers lurking in places where use cards.
  • Enable encryption on wireless routers immediately upon setting up a home network.
  • Shop only on secure websites [look for the padlock or http in the address bar] Use credit card not debit cards; don’t store your financial into an account on the website.
  • Destroy and dispose of copies of receipts , airline tickets travel itineraries and anything else that displays your card numbers.
  • Don’t pursue all links. If an e-mail deal sounds real skip the link and go directly to the retailer’s home page by typing its name into your browser.
  • Don’t reveal information such as your credit card details your cell phone number or your occupation if someone phones claiming to be from your bank or your card company.